About me

My name is Justin Patchin. I'm a teacher, a writer, a runner, and a photographer. I live in the Chippewa Valley of Western Wisconsin with my wife and son, and our German shorthaired pointer, Lucy.
I enjoy spending time exploring natural places. Even when very young, I always liked being outside. I grew up in a mining town on the eastern edge of Minnesota's Iron Range, within the 3.9 million acre Superior National Forest. The 1,700 square mile Boundary Waters Canoe Area was just a few miles to the north. In short, I was surrounded by vast wild areas.
And while I've owned a camera for all of my adult life (and would often take pictures of natural things that I encountered), it has only been in the last few years that I've become very interested in (some might say obsessed with) capturing these experiences for others to enjoy. I focus primarily on landscapes, night scenes (northern lights/milky way), and wildlife.
My photos have appeared in Volume One and other local and regional publications. If you'd like to purchase a print to hang in your home or office, please drop me a note!